About the website

- The website vatousa.gr is the official web presence of Vatousa, the traditional and beautiful village of western Lesvos.
It is the cultural property of the Community of Vatousa, the Cultural Associations of the village, and through them also of the Vatousians everywhere.
The website is designed so that its contents concern both tourists, who want to visit and get to know the village, as well as fellow citizens of Vatousa, who want to visit their .. memories, but also to learn the village news!
The sections contain information about the village and its history, rich photographic material, historical articles, the village magazine in digital format, village news, classifieds and other information. The content and modules will be constantly updated, with the help of everyone, especially the young people of the village.
In addition to the website itself, there is also a presence on social networks, through the Village Associations, as well as a YouTube channel where videos of interesting events and activities are posted, even their live broadcast.
Warm thanks are addressed to:
- The President of the Vatouss village, Avel Spanellis, for the excellent cooperation in order to complete the website, for his trust in our work and for his genuine love for our village, which he has shown for many years now.
- To the Presidents of the village cultural associations, Xenia Papoutza and Stavros Nikokyris for their cooperation and suppor.
To those who contributed, on a voluntary basis, to this effort so that Vatousa would acquire an online presence, through vatousa.gr:
- Konstantinos Bourtzos, Georgios Chatzithanasis, Harokopion University, Department of Informatics and Telematics, Design, development of the website and content enrichment.
- John Manoukas, Philologist. Writing historical articles, providing the valuable archive with old and historical photos from the village, providing the issues of Palms of Vatousa in digital format for posting on the website and providing further cooperation for updating the website.
- Vangelis Gdontelis, Philologist. Writing historical articles.
- Christos Stavrakoglou, Philologist. Writing historical articles.
The contribution of the young people of the village is important (alphabetically):
- Mary Kontelli
- Christy Coupe
- Petros Koutroulis
- Yannis Konstantellis
with the certainty that everyone will continue to contribute to the maintenance and development of the website, while others will follow them… Vatousians everywhere!
We invite you to embrace and spread the function of our beloved Vatousa’s digital presence on the internet!!
June 17th, 2023
Christos Michalakelis
Professor of the Department of Informatics and Telematics, Harokopio University
President of Study in Greece
The copyright of the digital material, photographs, videos, articles, the magazine Pulses of Vatousa and other material. have been granted by its creators to the cultural associations of Vatousa. They can be freely reproduced, with the only condition that the source is mentioned (https://vatousa.gr/)